"When we connect to our heart and live by it, our life becomes an authentic Hero's journey, where the destination is no longer important, but living the path in all our presence, discovering ourselves & life, finding our place in the world, free to be ourselves beyond any fear. Guided by our hearts and embracing mystery with all our courage and love,
My calling is to assist you in this powerful journey."
Welcome! I am Yavi,
I am an Intuitive, Astrologer & Artist
Life is an Epic journey, and I see myself as a channel of guidance in your journey that is not about the destination, is about the path itself, my mission is to be a guide and support to connect and listen to that essence in you that knows the way, your compass and true power, when connected to it you get to live a more authentic, fulfilling, peaceful life.
Joseph Campbell
​Astro Soul Solar Return
Your Astrological Birth Chart is the Map of your Soul. In this map we can see insightful information about your purpose, soul gifts, your evolution plan and lessons.
Theta Healing
​In the significant transitions of our life journey, these changes become a journey themselves—moving from the known to the unknown, from the old you to the new you, from dreams to inspired actions. .
Two month individual & group transformation
The Journey
We will work together for six weeks in the process to help you create a more aligned, empowered, creative reality.
This is not a coaching program it is a transformational experience. Within we find our core "New way" of being and creating our reality
Private & Every Full Moon * New Moon
Astro Cacao Circle
I create sacred spaces around Cacao for people specially women to gather around what some say is the plant medicine to open the heart. As we open our heart we connect with energy and theme of the day, we meditate, share, sing and dance. A space created to feel and share from your authentic self within a safe space.
Workshops, Retreats & Experiences.
More information.