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Hello!, I am Yavi

Welcome to my site, thank you for being here.


I believe that life is an adventure, an epic journey,

the so called Hero’s journey where the destination is not the goal, but the way you lead your journey, in this journey we pass through stages where we need that guide to give us perspective and confirmation if we are on the way as well as tools to continue in our adventure.

I consider myself that Guide in the journey that mixes the qualities of different archetypes like, the High Priestess using Intuition, the Magician with its Creativity, the Shaman working with Energy and the Sage sharing all experience I had and learned that could be useful in your path.

In every session I open to put all that is there to serve you and your journey.

But as you I am and have been in the Hero’s journey, so I know in flesh how it feels to be confused or feel lost, or disheartened, needing that sign to go forward and because I have had Guides on my way both external and internal I do what I do, because I know it makes a difference and my heart’s desire is to.

In my work I become a bridge between the human and divine to bring information, tools and healing when possible to those who work with me.

It is hard to define myself in one category as I a multi-passionate being that has had many lives in one. Today I don't believe in definitions, I believe we came to discover and experiment who we are in multiple ways, yet we have to liberate all that you think you are and should be.

My calling and purpose is to assist people you in that journey of discovery to experiment your most authentic expression and path so you find that inner fulfillment but also serve the worlds.

"It is time to let go you of everything you thought you should be,
to be
All that you truly are"

Intuition & Channeling

In all my work I use intuition because I am a channel or bridge between worlds. If I have to define it in one word that would be Chakaruna that means "bridge" in Quechua, in anything I do I connect to the invisible world (higher self, guides, animals) and transmit the messages, meditations, rituals, songs that come in the moment for the highest good of my client. 


In today’s globalized world, chances are you are interacting with people from more than just one country. This is where our multilingual functionality comes into play. Take advantage of this unique capability to expand your reach.


Our customers deserve the highest level of support, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards. When you choose to work with our team, know that you are consistently choosing quality and excellence. Customer service is at the heart of everything that we do.


We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.

What makes my work unique?

"Yavidan does everything with Love, Magic and Beauty, I have been in her Cacao ceremonies and I always touched by her energy, spark and depth"
"I The reading was very enlightning, deep, and accurate. It gave me many insights about myself on a deeper level, transition periods, obstacles and strengths, and so much more knowledge.  I am very grateful to have come across Yavidan and her spiritual guidance. I highly recommend it, dont hesitate, it was an amazing experience. 

Jane,  Reiki Master & Lawyer

Erika, Commercial Director


©2024 by Yavidan Violeta 

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